Monday, August 8, 2011

I need some boyfriend advice?

Okay Ive met my ex in middle school when we both graduated I ha vent seen him since. Then I saw him 2yrs after we both graduated. Back in January, I sent him an email about how I felt about him but he never replied back to me so I figured he moved on. Then last month he just pops out of no were on myspace and asks me how I'm doing and he gave me his cell phone number and I gave him mines. On Sunday he tex ted me about he missing me and he wants to talk to me. So I called him we was on the phone at 1am. He told me he wanted to take me to the movies on Saturday so I told him yes I was so excited. Then I tex ted him on Friday asking him was he still gonna take me to the movies and he told me he has a basketball game in D.C. So i got confused because he told me he plays football he never mentioned to me he played basketball. So on the day that he was supposed to be at his "basketball" game, he was on face book all day and I was so pissed because he lied to me. Im sick of him always tex ting my phone wanting to see me, he cant stop thinking about me and telling me he's gonna take me places and when I agree to he tells me he got something to do all of a sudden. Please help me! because Im sad that he did this to me. I didn't want him to use me so he can get in my pants he really broke my heart after I loved him :(

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