Saturday, August 13, 2011

What do guys look for in a girl?

Im kinda average looking, and I am shy around people I don't know too well only because I used moved around a lot and didn't get used to people around me. The only activities guys in my school seem to join are sports (suck at the sports my school has to offer), band (would be stuck with grade eights), and debate (I would fail... Although I am stubborn when it comes to arguments). I have a love for video games (I suck at first person games though. eg. COD). I like mainly horror games because I love getting scarred. So I also love horror movies. I also like action, comedy, and fantasy. Just nothing boring. I also love animals!!!!! I can get goofy around people that I know well, but I'm mature when I need to be. I enjoy listening to people, but sometimes I won't shut up. Only when I'm hyper. I don't drink or do drugs. I'm not much of a party person either. I get nervous in too big a crowd, and around a lot of people I don't know. I'm not the most organized person ever. Why is this starting to sound like an online dating profile??? I like junk food, but not all the time. I like mainly rock/alternative rock music (Guns n Roses, AC/DC, Metallica, MCR, Green Day, Billy talent, Suondgarden, etc.). But I also like some pop, rap, and R&B (not to picky. I either like it or I don't). For clothes I'm not so sure. One day I could be wearing a hoodie and jeans, and the next I could be wearing some fancy get up with heels. I also like anime/manga. I can sometimes be emotional. But it's usually my step dads fault... He's mean and he scares me lol. This is still sounding like a dating profile -_- .... Oh and I'm 16. I know it's a long list but I want to know if guys got to know me, if they'd like me or not. Because guys at my school seem to not take any interest in me, even if I make a huge effort to go and talk to one. Thanks for peoples help :)

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