Thursday, August 18, 2011


hi im looking into this school my sister went there but didnt finish i really love the location im looking to get my rn in nursing or either be a sheriff, im looking at the atl campus , will it be a real degree?

What is the difference between osmosis, diffusion, active transport, receptor-mediated endocytosis, ......?

what's the matter, can't do your own work? look these up. google them if you have to or get a dictionary

Why do teenagers on Yahoo Answers seem like they're illiterate?

They write like they text and they look like idiots. It's not that I can't understand what they're saying, it's that what they're saying is retarded. Is it just a phase or are they going to grow up being stupid people, too? I'm sure all the answers will be mocking and lolz, etc., but trust me. If you can't write you are going to be serving people when you grow up.

Obama’s Health Care Plan: What Does It Mean? here?

Means over flooding of hospitals with lines of patients with no increase in new med students that are enrolling nor that will continue to live in this country.

Sims 3 Problems: Game won't load!?

I've had sims 3 since christmas but i just got a computer to run it. After updating my driver andeverything (and a LOT of heartache) i finally got it to work. When i tried to Install mods, like the TS3 Install Helper Monkey, i started having problems. i have it successfully removed now but it STILL won't work. Can someone help? I hae both the basegame and WA

A farewell to Opus...spiritual friend to many...?

my favorite strip is when Opus is talking to this simple minded guy whose bent on killing no good yellow bellied muckraking journalists. lol. still brings a smile to my face. haha Opus says he's an accountant.lmao. love it. I will definitley miss Opus. Also a revent one where Opus applies for a "black" card but relizes he'd rather stay the same.

My mobile has been hacked?

Lol man. I think your friend was playing a joke on you. Next time you see him ask him. If he says its a virus, then he should try getting an Antivirus software.

Have you read this? ?

Yes, but the cult followers never listen they "feel" that change is gonna come, as the little girls sing it. Yes, change is gonna come, back to the 80's Gov't cheese line. If we're lucky we'll get some Gov't powdered milk & er, put our pennies together & make some mac & cheese.

Dealing with birthmom?

I was adopted and a couple of years ago my birth mom found me on myspace and i told her i wasn't ready and she ims me every week and says things like this hurts you need to get over it you don't have a choice cause i am your "real" mom and she will not respect my decision that i am not ready for a relationship and shes trying to guilt me into a relationship she acts like i owe her something but i know its my choice if i want a relationship and she wont respect that. she is blaming my parents why i dont want a relationship saying your 29 years old and your parents need to get over and tell them im in your life and that my mom needs to get over herself. my parents have always let me know im adopted and when she contacted me they told me it was my choice and they have backed me in every decision. My birthmother can't get over i have a family i am happy with and that i am the one decided i'm not ready and wont respect my choice cause ultimately its my choice and she acts like i owe her a relationship and i have asked her to please stop iming me . She doesn't seem like shes all there but i try to be nice and say please leave me and my family alone i have 3 kids and i don't want to bring my girls into this please give me advice on how to deal with this woman.

What is that mean when someone is on steroids?

out of curiousity i heard my mom talking to my brother and say ''you re on freeking steroids''. what the heck is that

Is the future of the human race in ethnic mixing?

As the world shrinks and the population increases, the incidence of ethnic mixing will increase as well; and there is nothing that can stop it. Maybe in about 500 years we won't see as much racial hatred, and everyone will look better when they dance and they will be able to run the 100 yard dash in under 10 seconds!

Doe you have a lot of military history in your family? If so can you explain who they were and what they did?

Have a cousin that went to Iraq a few years ago. Have a few great uncles that were in the military. One of them was in the Navy and was an aviation electrician who was in WW2 and Korean war

Why is Chavez training Ahamadinajads Jihadi Soldiers in Venezuela?

Some people from the Pentagon said there has been a airplane full of Al Qaeda - terrorists taliban etc. flying into Venezuela every week.

Help with my music taste?

ok so my taste in music is a lot different than my friends. i like artists like nicki minaj, ke$ha, katy perry, lady gaga, paramore, b.o.b, kid cudi, justin bieber, kanye west, adele, jennifer lopez, rihanna, florence + the machine, chris brown, the black eyed peas, jay sean, M.I.A., usher, sean kingston, bruno mars, taio cruz, coldplay, la roux, neon trees, head automatica, vv brown, onerepublic, jason derulo and many more. but they all my friends call me gay for it? they say that i should listen to only rap like lil wayne or eminem. that is all they except! i dont like the way it sounds or what they say in them. but im not gay! all i did was listen to the music i like. should i stop listening to my music and start listening to the rap? i dont wanna be an outcast with my friends :\

Me and my SO have a 4 year old son together but there has not been a whole lot of ual activity going on bec?

because I have serious issues with the subject.I think it's dirty and I feel in my heart that people shouldn't have until they're married but a child was produced before this but I don't have any feelings like that towards him.He's threatening to leave me for somebody else but I wish he would wait a little longer and anyway it's just talk,if he wanted somebody else he would've moved on already,Should I let him go or talk to him about how I feel about this or him?

Military-Industrial War Complex?

Does anyone realize that the military-industrial war complex that Eisenhower warned us against is a reality? Does anyone realize that the two party system in America is a duality set up to give the sheep a party to bemoan and a party to bolster, when in reality they are puppets with no real power? Does anyone care that the United States armed and trained the Taliban before we armed and trained our children to bring them down? Does anyone care that we helped arm Saddam's regime before we armed and trained another generation of fodder to bring him down? If human life isn't the value for which we fight against such a system...what value would we fight for?

I work for brinks inc. how can i take out my retirement money ?

No one here can answer as we know nothing about the retirement plan. Ask the plan custodian/administrator.

In All Three "Terminator" Movies....?

Was it 27 police officers from the first movie? In the second I don't really remember him killing anybody because of the kid. The third I haven't seen but maybe once or twice, and can't remember. So I'll just take a wild guess and say 27.

Ionic or Covalent compounds?

All these are not ionic compounds which are in fact formed between metals and non metals. The above are all covalent compounds with covalent bonds.

Translation English to German, please?

Cherubim - which are artistic conventions common to temple worship throughout the ages, and therefore symbolic and abstract-aren't angels.

Is it ethical to be forced to pay the financial expenses for defending yourself from false accusations?

I agree with you that false accusations should be paid entirely by the prosecutor. It seems to me that while representing yourself without a lawyer, you've forgotten to ask the court to let the losing party pay your part of the court fee, which would probably have been granted since you won the case. Things like that doesn't always work automatic.

What should I do about this guy! PLEASE HELP! I really need an answer! :(?

First of all, STALKER much? (him, not you) Sorry but I just find it creepy when guys like wander "back and forth" probably eavesdropping just because you were talking to your guy friends. But anywayss, if he has a girlfriend, then he's definitely a flirt. I personally don't trust him because he might want a fling or something and if he ends up dating you then he might cheat on you. I mean, seriously? He flirts with another girl too? But I'm kind of an insecure person that worries about everything so whatever. It really seems like he likes you because of his friends and all. If you really like him and you don't mind dating him even if he has a girlfriend, then I say go for it :D But don't be all like, flirting on full throttle or anything, it might seem desperate. Just play it out and flirt a bit.

What is the name of the small red fish used for feeding?

I think their called red rosies or something along those lines but every time I look it up on google no results show up. Please help me, thank you

If u were an astronaut and were peeing outside ur spaceship, but slipped and fell into space, wat wud u do?

u have an oxygen tank so u can live for 1 day, n by the time ur frends realize ur gone its already 2 late to save u

How do i keep myself in a positive routine?

Things have not been going so well for my family, my dad got made redundant 2 years ago, my mum is the only person with a job, we cant get a job (and please don't tell me to stay positive because trust me it's 1 in a 1000 chance of even getting one, really annoys me when people tell me that pkus no point anyway since were moving but on top of that my friends are idiots moaning about how people are on job seekers when nobody can help it right now, only care about their own pay, no idea what it's like because they have a job), were moving hopefully in 3 months time but i have already waited long enough, were having trouble selling the house and have 3 more months to sell it (my parents owe the boiler company money they cant pay at the moment so they will take it from us if we don't sell), people are giving me crap right now when i don't need it i just told three of my "friends" i'm not being friends because they never brought anything good into my life, just negative feelings and talked behind my back especially one who just took all her stress out on me). Now through all this stress i try not to worry i try so hard but it's just not fair, the government are robbing us, i have no money ether and i am finding it so hard to stay in any sort of routine. I workout but i have fell out of it but i need to get back into it i feel like crap now and i have put weight back on again, i am trying so hard to get into a sleeping pattern too but i never get to sleep until 30 mins - 1h 30 mins later my mind just won't shut off properly and now i am sleeping out of boredom i don't even get out of bed at my chosen time, any tips on dealing with all this, setting myself a proper routine and sleep pattern? i have tried sleeping tablets too but i still don't get up now, i'm fed up of everything, please help.

I really like this guy,and he's kinda my friend but we don't talk much anymore.How can I get him to noitce me!

I met him last year. He sat behind me in homeroom and 3 chairs over in math. I think he liked me then, so he knows my name and everything. I never relised it but I really like him. I think he knows, but I'm not sure. I've thought about sitting with him on the bus, but I'm scarred he'll think I'm a freak. What should I do to get him to think a little more of me? Its really hard to just sit there and daydream while I stare at him.

Whats with teenage kids and hollister,american eagle and bad pop/hiphop style music?

This has to be one of the worst trends i have ever seen. All the kids at my school except the few rock and destruction loving people like me wear hollister and listen to gay *** hiphop music. I hate it so much i have to avoid walking around people because theyll try to talk to me about some retarded rap group like soulja boy.

All of my friends are mad at me, what do I do?

You simply say to them 'if you cannot trust me when i say i am telling the truth, then you are not my true friends' And do nothing else.

Is there a good possibility this could become a career?

So I am almost 15 and am starting kickboxing, I want to be a fighter, MMA. I have had a few street fights and i love the feeling you get when in a fight, the entire experience of hitting, getting hit, everything. So how should i go about trying to achieve this goal as in what styles of fighting, is it possible etc? Also would it be necessary to go to a college when i leave school and get a trade in something or work in a shop while i work towards this ambition? Just wanted to know early so i know what i need to be doing in the meantime.

Why not partition Iraq as a solution to the conflict ?

why not partition the country for example create a Kurd independent country, give to Kuwait part of the south and the city of Basora as compesation for the 1990 invasion give to Iran most of the eastern part of the country. to annex or give to the UN as a protectorate give Saudi Arabia a large part of the south along the actual border as payment for thier support, and the rest of the west between Jordan and Syria im sure they will taked a small central portion with Bagdad as capital can be left to the shia mayority as an independent state or put it under UN control is my belief that this will make the insurgency internal and external colapse and if not to turn against each other we most remember Iraq was created at the end of world war I before that there was no Iraqui State so lets called a failed proyect and do something diferent there had been precedents for this action the partition of germany afther world wars 1,2 the UN ca't say anithing abouth it becuse they refuse to intervine

Need verizon droid help...?

I just got a verizon droid and I'm having trouble adding contacts. Also is there any way to change the security settings so you have to have a pwrd to unlock it oh an. d I'm sorry about the typos I'm typing from the droid

Global warming question.?

Our ozone layer is doing okay. Our major concern should be water. How can we conserve it and keep it away from the big corporations who will one day control our clean water supplies?

Is this islam in nut shell?

Religion and rules, hum! That sounds a bit suppressing. How about don't break the law, respect others. Don't lie, cheat, steal, murder, molest. Well respect others period. Why is it that religion has rules? It is to controlling.

Genetic questions? are these traits genetic?

Your thumb shape & ability to move your eye muscles like that can be genetic. As for flexibility it can be but not necessarily.

As The Petal Falls (poems)?

I liked it except for one phrase. Maybe consider replacing "my let downs" with "my failures" or something different. Read it aloud substituting that and see if you don't think it flows and sounds better. JMO

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Favre vs Chicago or Palmer vs Cleveland?

Favre has been a fantasy beast and Chicago's D is suspect but I watched Mathew Stafford light up Clevelands D for 442 yards and a handful of T.D.'s so im torn

Whats the stupidest reason for military action?

the usual one is (childish voice) "now look what you made me do", the usual retort of the serial abuser!

Blackjack 2 alarm question?

Ok, so I just got the phone yesterday and it's still a little new but I have a question. On my other phones I was able to turn the phone off and not worry as to whether my alarm would go off because it did regardless of whether it was on or off. That was really good because I don't charge phones very often and having it off saved the battery and I was just wondering whether this phone did that.

What are some ideas or suggestions for my company's 2nd annual christmas party?

what about a comedy club or hiring a comedian for your hall? any fondue places or hibachi restaurants around you? those are fun, maybe just plan on meeting at a bar someplace after dinner for after party.

I am getting a pop up that keeps asking for my pword in outlook express.?

Same thing was happening to me. You need to go into settings and change your pop3 settings and an smtp. You can go to your providers side and they will tell you. For example mines and

How do salvage yards and other companies dispose of freon and other CFCs?

In a cl that talks about the environment, I told my students that freon and other CFCs cannot be disposed of in the trash or released into the atmosphere. Rather, you are supposed to take trash like refrigerators and air conditioners to a licensed company that will recover and dispose of the freon appropriately. A student asked a good question-- what do these companies do with the freon? Presumably, somehow they somehow destroy it, but I don't know how. Thoughts?

Opinions on my diet plan to lose 15 lbs by May?

Some people need t shut up, post like you want! Anyway, don't eat more than 300 calories of sweets per week and do eat because if you don't eat, just causes your metabolism to go down and not up. Eat as you said veggies, fruits, lean meats and otherwise. Plus, if you want to escalate things, double the exercise! Btw, sweets and such put a real down on what you do such as eating right but you do need a few carbs for energy! Good luck!

This is a good build for a gaming computer?

Yeah, looks like a pretty good build. I'd say that would be about 800 dollars, somewhere around there. Make sure you don't go over that because if you do then you're paying more than you need to on the hardware.

Mind Teaser: How Is It Possible?

There's an all black road with no markings, an all black dog lying in the middle of that road. There's no street lights and a car driving fast on the same road with no headlights on and still drives around the dog. How is that possible?

Which snowboard Rossignal vs Nitro?

I have actually ridden the Alias, and it is a fun board. It's a great intermediate board that will last a long time. You can't beat the price either.

What colors should I wear my "season"?

Aww your cute! You remind me of Nick jonas hair but different color hair. You do really look like Shia Lebuff! You would look really good in Olive green, Navy blue, Dark gray! Good luck I hope I helped! =] If you have any more questions let me know!

What is an expensive or qaulity microscope...?

I don't how much one of this cost, but I do know only universities can afford them, but electron microscopes are pretty good when looking at slides in 3D and in detail.

I need to remeber my dream!! Help!!?

if you try to stop thinking about it , it usually pops up in your head when you least expect it, thats what usually happens to me anyway,

What knee strengthening exercises do you recommend?

I'm a 13 year old athlete who competes regularly in the athletics team at my school. Recently my knee has been feeling out of place and I was wondering if any of you had any ideas of knee strengthening exercises to do so I can return as normal to sprinting, long jump and hurdles!

Why are some disabled people harder on people unable to work than the non-disabled?

I'm a bit confused. I think I get what you're saying and it's exactly like someone saying we both grew up in the same neighborhood, family, and education why am I the president of the company? People don't understand there is more to overcoming something to be able to do other things. Connections, intelligence, willingness.... ect.

I have a poem in spanish for my cl?

unless the students speak Spanih well, I'd recommend you itranslated first, or look for atranslator. Sorry cant help much.

MLA Citation- Republication or Original Publication date?

When citing a book in MLA format, do you use the original publication date, or the republication date?

Will a zebra finch breed with a society finch?

I know from a book I read that the Society Finch will sit on eggs from other birds, but will a Society Finch breed with a Zebra Finch? I have 4 finches, a male and female Zebra Finch and two Society Finches of an unknown .

What are the procedures on suing a supervisor who aults you on the job?

my supervisor took his office door and continuously slammed it into my shoulder causing soft tissue damage. i have been told that i cant sue the city of port arthur because i am on workers compensation. i want to sue my supervisor for ault & battery, racism, violation of civil rights, slander, etc. how do i do it?

South Asian/East Asian Dating?

all i can say is this, there is a HUGE difference b/w pakistani girls, and other bangladeshi or indian girls, paki girls r pretty nice, and they have to be treated like a queen, they have glowing skin and r extremely attractive, i know, im pakistani,and i know better than any news report tht tells u tht pakistanis suppress women, its all bs, but bangladeshi or indian girls rnt attractive, and they allow themselves to be treated like crap, they run away with any guy, cuz most of them r really desperate, not like pakistani girls who have standards, sorry but thts just my opinion

Is this introduction ok?

So far the content looks very good. Some of the sentences run a little long though, like the "It is personified in many different cultures..." You might want to break some of it up a little.

American Apparel sweatshirt size?

You'd be a small definitely. For shirts and jackets on AA, the sizes get HUGE on normal or skinny girls. You could even be an XS for how skinny you sound.

Do you think India will be able to overtake China in terms of living standards in the near future?

Specifically in the HDI (Human Development Index) which ecompes literacy rate, GDP per head, access to basic amneties e.t.c.

Need APA help with headers and page numbers in Microsoft Word!?

I'm writing a psych paper, which has to be in APA format, not MLA. On the title page, the header has to say "Running head: UNSKILLED AND UNAWARE..." in the top left corner with the page number in the top right. However, for every other page after the title page, the header is supposed to just say "UNSKILLED AND UNAWARE..." with no "Running head" part. How the heck do I format it to work this way?

Protestants and Catholics: What is your view of this new perspective on Paul?

My main problem with your position is that it conflicts with the rest of the Bible. As such, it violates the tenets of Christianity. Anyone can conclude almost anything if they ignore the rest of the Bible.

A silversmith has two alloys, one containing 60% silver and the other 20% silver?

A silversmith has two alloys, one containing 60% silver and the other 20% silver. How much of each should be melted and combined to obtain 400 grams of an alloy containing 48% silver?

The new film there anywhere to watch it online?

the one with willem dafoe that's supposed to be really explicit ,i love shock value and really want to watch it,if anyone has any links please share..thanks

What words do i need to put on an official Share Certificate?

Its for work, i cant find the info anywhere, there must be a set template that most companys follow?

An issue with depression?

counselors seem to have nailed the idea of depression or the symptoms of it in me down to a science to diagnose me, but at what point does ones surroundings create the depression or is that even possible. Ive been "clinically depressed" my whole life...might there be something wrong with my surroundings and not me? I see people around me acting like their enjoying life but to me their not its more like a phi sod to alleviate stress. Is this true of you?

The newest edition of the Quibbler!?

O_O well, i can't say i'm surprised. but this new bit of inside information is very interesting... so is our little Slytherin friend too proud to admit to failing to get into his dream school, yet he is still begging to be let in? hm...very interesting

El Imperfecto...Write the verb in parentheses in the imperfect tense. Spanish HELP!!!!!!!!!!!?

I repeat. I�have already learned the subject. I learned it by doing my homework. You should do the same.

Who and what are to be judged/// does GOD JUDGE?

every thing and every one must be judged by every one... our judgments define us... like any tool they are only as good or bad as the one using them... it is when we cling to our judgments past all reason that problems happen... doesn't know about god...

Will a ATX or Midi ATX computer case support a Micro ATX motherboard?

I wanted to know weather a Micro ATX motherboard will fit in a Midi ATX or ATX computer case? I currently have a SKII-502 Super Case which is midi atx and I am planning on buying a Intel DH67GD "Gardendale" H67 Chipset Socket LGA1155 Motherboard which is micro atx but im not sure weather it will fit or not. So are the two items compitable? Please answer will full details... Thanx

Who was that Bitter Bluenose in the sky Studio in the Manchester Derby?

Just a sore loser, he tried to make out that they were the better team but just made a fool of himself.

First time knitter needing easy instructions?

I'm a 23 year old college student and would love to learn how to knit (or crochet). I picked up some yarn, needles, and a book, but hate how they use abbreviations all the time. is there any place i can go to get simple instructions that i dont need to de-code. (scarves preferably, anything easy!)

In "OBLIVION The elders scrolls IV" after you kill someone is it possible for them to reappear?

If you can search the corpse of anyone you knock down, they are dead and can never come back. If they just go unconcious your'e fine. Don't you have an earlier Save? I save every 2 minutes in Oblivion, very unpredictable.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yorkshire terriers...... NOT RUNTS?

I think it usually goes the other way--people uming there IS such a breed as a teacup Yorkie. Most people who know better also know how small Yorkies can be. I have one that's barely over three pounds, and she's completely healthy. People are just ignorant. Try not to let it get to you (though I'm completely with you on the teacup thing).

Did they ever find "The Grave Digger" on "Bones"?

If they haven't, I am leaning towards that man that wrote the book on "The Grave Digger" and the female journalist who helped him write the book. The episode I am talking about is "Aliens in a Spaceship." Also I have to add, I think that was one of the best episodes that show has had, the comments that were made were absolutely priceless. The one where Angela says "I don't know, putting testicles on the outside of the body." or something like that, and then Booth says something along the lines of, "Hey, one less reason to wear a suit." This episode made me laugh, cry, and even look over my shoulder a few times. Oh my god, I sound like I'm writing a review!

Julius caesar are there any parts in the play that u cud say were brutus acted like a less than noble person?

julius caesar are there any parts in the play that u cud say where brutus acted like a less than noble person

Help with macroeconomics question involving the great depression?

In the midst of the Great Depression in 1932, the Hoover Administration increased tax rates substantially. If you were a Keynesian economist, would you agree or disagree with the policy? Explain what will happen from the implementation of this policy from the Keynesian point of view.

What are some fun things to do with family camping?

so pretty much all my uncles and aunts cousins on my moms side are going camping with us there pretty much bikers and renasuance fair nuts I'm a computer nerd I have no idea what to expect or do while camping

How to I get the mice/smell out of my car?

I have a four door neon and it has been sitting in my driveway/yard as it is for sale and it has since aculated a few mice and a nasty smell what should i do about both thanks curtis

Fire recommended by sarah beany on property ladder (real flame, no gas?)?

Not sure what a "floating hole in the wall" type is but I know there are sterno type ventless fireplaces. Check out this site. a href="" rel="nofollow" Good luck.

Teenagers- have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders?

i'm fifteen. i have anxiety disorder and chronic depression, and i've been on antidepressants and xanax (temporary anti-anxiety drug). i have it really just because mental illness runs in my family.

Was Jesus an Atheist when he was a baby?

I'd like to rephrase my question so it is more easily understood by the average population. Once Jesus was capable of understanding the concept of God, he became Jewish.but BEFORE he could understand that concept he had a lack of belief in God. So doesn't this mean he was an Atheist until he was Jewish? If he wasn't an Atheist was he Agnostic? If he wasn't Agnostic what was he? He wasn't a Jew because he didn't believe in God. If you say that he was a Jew when he was a baby there is something seriously wrong with your ability to think logically.

I see Tom Daley (the young diver) has been bullied at his school in Plymouth?

His Father has taken him away,and he has got offers from other schools to get him. I wonder if the Plymouth headmaster has been sacked? Odd really.Kids who are good at sport are usually popular

What did he want with me?

He only wanted one thing.You know what that was.Do you think he is the type to be faithful to anyone?I don't.I am glad you did not give in to him.You seem to be a very sensible girl and I think you know,hand on heart,that he would not be good for you.Give him up and enjoy yourself.You will meet someone that you can guess is that his former girl friend found out what he was really like and gave him the push.He was engaged after all and obviously that meant nothing to him and you would have been nothing to him as well.

The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank.?

It's a primary source (first-hand account). But Anne Frank's diary was written about her life in Holland - not Germany.

Ugh did leaving it out make it go bad?

i made beef stew yesterday i cooked the roast beef all day n den added my carrots n ect. i wanted it to cool off before i put it in the fridge but i forgot!! i left it on the stove still in the pot with lid over night. is it bad? id hate to throw it away but i dont want to serve it if its not good anymore.

Computer Savvy people please respond, Would only like actual Computer-Smart people to answer.?

Had a computer that was working fine until one morning where it would whirr for 2seconds that turn off. Eventually i found that If I took out the CPU I could hear fans and boot up sounds but no monitor response. Tried on several monitors. After a few days, same responses with CPU in. I then found the CPU was blackened on the backside-But computer had same response with new Processors, I ume it's Motherboard but would like a definete yes from a Computer Technician.

I was on Atkins to lose weight, lost 60lbs, now I'm pregnant. How should I change, or not change, my diet?

I think Atkins cuts out carbs right? Well, forget that as you need all the energy you can get and carbs are going to be great for that. Just eat healthy fresh foods and you can't go wrong. Also, it is ok to have treats while pregnant, so don't feel guilty about eating a block of chocolate if you get craving lol. Congratz on your success on weight loss and on being pregnant, good luck.


The number of certain endangered species of animal decreases steadily by 20 every year. If there are 380 of them now, at least how many years later will the number of this animal be less than 100?

Is this a good poem to recite at my baptism?

i think that is a lovely poem. i myself am having my baby son baptised and have been listening at church rehearsal today the words of the Reverend and everything in that poem is what was said to be the true meaning of baptism. if you ask me it is Perfect!! good luck

What should I expect in court for a speeding ticket?

I got a speeding ticket the night/morning prior to going to Orientation at my school, SUNY Stony Brook. I was doing 80mph at three in the morning on the Seaford-Oyster Bay Expressway on Long Island, New York, which has a speed limit of 55mph. I'm eighteen, I have a clean record aside from this, and at the time, I was less than a month short of getting through the six-month probationary period for newly licensed drivers. I do not have the means to get my own lawyer. I have court at nine in the morning in Hempstead. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

How do i get my hair to look like this?

just use tons of gel and hairspray. Go WIld!! take a comb, pull it out the direction you would like it, hold it while ur spraying. Repeat that around ur whole head and VOILA! oh and if ur wanting to dye it, you prob know how to do that... or maybe you dont. just dye a strip white and the rest black lol.

NRL round 3 tips - your opinion?

The Manly V Knights game is going to be played at Bluetongue Stadium at Gosford. Not Brookvale oval.

Wat will the raptors record be this year and how far will they go?

they got 8 or 9 new players this offseason including hedo, a nba finalist and derozan hoo is bein compared to the most hated player in toronto..vince farter. so far will they go?

Does this guy have any interest in me?

I usually look at him quite a bit then sometimes ignore him and don't look at him . Talk to him when hes by himself usually initiate it but he stands around me or near or I stand near him . Just talk about stuff asking him how is and stuff like that. he seems into it like actually talks not giving one worded answers or nothing much boring answers. And contributes to it too. Hes caught me looking at him quite abit and sometimes in school. I've seen him looking at me sometimes as I'm walking down the corridor the teacher comes from the other direction or when hes waiting to be picked up from school I always see him looking my direction. I usually initiate hes in some of my cles in one of them none of his friends are in it thats when I talk to him. Hes a quiet kinda guy but not shy like can speak out in cl and hes very clever. He faces my direction alot of the time in the hall and cl .is that too much am I chasing him away? Am I being needy? Am I coming on too strong? So all I really do is talk to him trying to get to know him and look at him. He hardly speaks to any girls. Do you think I'm doing anything wrong or its okay what I'm doing not too much? Would he hate me looking at him?

Can prior service join the DEP of another branch? Do prior service have to serve another 8 year contract also?

I get out of the Navy IRR on 19Feb09 and I would like to join a different branch. Am I allowed to join the delayed entry program before I would ship out? Would my new contract have the additional 4 years of inactive service since I am prior service?

Sortof of longish question, but whats a good father daughter song that doesnt include marriage?

IM SOO EXCITED FOR THIS, but um, my dad plays in this blues band, and ive been practicing guitar for ages, he also works at robert m. sides, a music store. but almost every weekend he plays blues at the bullfrog brewery, for those of you who cant tell its a bar, lol well its a bar. but yah he wants me to play with him and the band at the bullfrog, and he knows i really want to be famous, i know it isnt going to make me FAMOUS but its a big deal for me im only 13 years old. so whats a good father daughter song, that isnt about the daughter gettin married, im thinking about watching you by rodney atkins, would be perfect because its about a boy wanting to do everything his dad does! it doesnt have to be blues, actually i want it to be country i love country, so any songs?

On which date does the maximum duration of insolation occur in the Northern Hemisphere?

On which date does the maximum duration of insolation occur in the Northern Hemisphere?well what about the least on what date?

Do you think the girl on Titanic is the most beautiful women ever!?

I know her name is Kate Winslet, but i'm talking about the character she plays on Titanic, she is just beautiful, the way she wears her hair and make-up and the way she dresses, and her facial feautures also.Just look at her, she is the definition of beauty! a href=",r:24,s:0&tx=39&ty=98" rel="nofollow"…/a

Help on Russian Brochure?

So, i'm doing a project on the Turan Lowlands(a geography region in Russia),And i can't seem to find anything about them, some help would REALLY be appreciated. Thanks.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Have you ever done a 30 day Law Of Attraction challenge?

read the book, saw the doentary- loved "the secret" As a Christian, I replaced the word universe for God and it really was a good doentary on what I had already known spiritually from studying the Bible- the power of positive speaking has been around for a long time in what is known as "faith/ word" churches.

A question for Jews about calling the Tanak the ‘Old Testament’ .?

Not Jewish or Christian but have you actually compared the Christian OT and the Takakh side by side? You'll be surprised to learn that they changed a little more than just the name.

Any ideas for games for a large group of ladies?

I have been asked to come up with the activities for our annual church prayer sisters banquet. I'm not sure how many ladies will be there but it could be up to 100. Aged anywhere from 18 to elderly. If anyone has any good ice breaker games or any ideas of what we could do for activities it would be greatly appreciated!

Link for DBZ game........?

Does anyone have a link to download any high quality DBZ game for freeware? At least 60Mb game is recommended. Thanx

Bovis restrictive covenants-are they enforcible?

If you violate a covenant which you agreed to when you purchased your home - either by signing a covenant agreement or simply by being informed of the covenant -t here could indeed be complications later when you sell. If you want to cirvent this covenant without paying a fee, you are going to have to speak with a lawyer.

Christianity and the Bible?

Heres what troubles me, none of the books of the Holy Bible was ever written by Jesus, God, or Moses. The gospel was written according to X. We don't even know who actually wrote the 5 books of the Torah (Leviticus, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Genesis). Sometimes, the books even give contrasting views on subjects. While one says we should not kill, another verse commands us to , pillage, and mercilessly slaughter (read Hosea 13:16, Exodus 32:27, 1 Samuel 15:2-8) or that we are punished for the sins of our fathers (Exodus 20:5, Deuteronomy 5:9, Exodus 34:7) and that we should steal (Luke 19:29) and that we should break manmade morality and laws in compliance to God ( Acts 5:29). If we are to abide to Acts 5:29, then what makes christians more moral than muslims? If muslim extremists kill for Allah, and Christians extremists kill for God, well i don't see why they should denounce each other. See, I am a tormented christian turned to diesm after i really read the bible. Chrisitianity is a paradox, believing an all loving God, yet He commands us to do the above. AND how can I truely believe in the Bible when its not even written by the people i should worship. The only proof of truth is that "angels" supposedly came and inspired the writers, so its true.

Can you have allergies without being allergic to anything?

Whenever the weather changes outside (which is often since I live in Indiana) my allergies suffer for it. I can't stop sneezing, I get really congested, but as far as I know I'm not allergic to anything. So why is it that I have such severe allergies. I am uming these are two different things, but I was curious.

Nationals Organization screwed their own Fanbase? (Your thoughts & story inside)?

I read that earlier this evening. I thought it was pathetic. Just so greedy. Everything is about money these days >.<

Easy dinner recipes for a family of 4?

Check out stir fry's. Served over rice they are tasty and a nice change of pace. You can use beef, pork, chicken or even shrimp.

Government questions?

Cabinet secretaries are subject to the constitution and laws of the United States, congressional oversight and the decisions of the president.

What to do to help my crappy heart?

Perhaps what you have fits with the condition called "Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia" and requires treatment from a cardiologist.

Help on deciding new HTOB?

Kennith offers some very good advice. All I would add is that if you don't like the HT-S5100, why not try the HT-S6100 (or above). It switches HDMI. But, as stated above, buying a receiver and a speaker set is a good compromise between an HTIB and buying a receiver and 6 individual speakers. I have Polk Audio RM6750 5.1 speaker set. It's a humble source of sound, but it works really well for movies. And at ~$230 you can't really go wrong. I paired those with an Onkyo TX-SR606, bought a few HDMI cables at and got some lamp cord for my speakers at Lowe's. It really can be done easily and relatively inexpensively.

Wats the name of this show or video?

A while back i seen a Show or Movie don't really remember what it was but it was about a bunch of girls naked most of the time that teached you how to do things. One of the girls had a huge tattoo on her back that was cheetah printed. Other ones had tattoos all over their bodies. they teach you how to fake s. and other stuff. I wanted to show this video to a friend of mines but don remember what its called. does anybody know?

Have you ever seen a celebrity look alike and who did she/he look like?

Theres this boy at my school whos in 8th grade(im in 7th grade) looks just like justin bieber. when i first saw him i thought that was him(idk why) and almost threw my shoe at him. theres this other boy in my grade who looks exactly like bruno mars. lol if my friend saw him who goes to another school he would of sh*t his pants.

How to make a pettiskirt?

I was just wondering how to make a pettiskirt. I was going to make one for my daughter.Please give an answer or a website at least. I watched Martha Stewart's Video but that didn't really help me.

Pendulums regulate clocks-how then can clock power regulate pendulums?

How do springs or electricity keep a pendulum swinging without effecting it's perfect rhythm which it needs to regulate that which is regulating and powering it?

A gauge on a steam condenser reads 24 inches of mercury. If atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia, what is the pre

A gauge on a steam condenser reads 24 inches of mercury. If atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia, what is the pressure inside the condenser?

I use to respect and trust young Kevin-K - until he betrayed me lol ?

why are u loling... makes it seem like its a a big phat joke. Well its NOT! Never trust those gooners coz they end up putting a knife through your lattisimus dorsi

My parents are kicking me out what can I do ?

with you being 18 they can kick you out. their house their rules. i suggest you find a job, check with your college-they may have housing available, and get a student loan. you may have to stay in school a little longer than you wanted. however, if it is important and something you truly want, you will find away to work it our. are your parents demand than unreasonable that at the age of 18 you can not follow their rules or is it your 18 and i don't have to listen to your rules anymore? big difference there. think it thru before you act. you survived 18 years under their roof, don't think a couple more years is going to make that much difference.

Athiests: what would be two dictatorships or oppressive regimes you'd like God, through our prayers, to end?

It's a given we can't pray for dictators or other regimes' leaders to come to harm of course, such would be contrary to Christ's teaching.

Where can I get my knife sharpened.?

Found a switchblade, really like it but it has a really dull edge, I suck at sharpening knifes. I've gotten mine sharpened at the gun and knife show, do they sharpen knifes at like ace hardware or hunting sections in walmart?

Aside from Ares, bearshare and limewire, what is a good p2p sharing program for music files?

My 13 year old daughter came up with a legal way to download songs. She uses Rip Vinyl. It records whatever you are listening to. You start, and stop it just like a tape player. Then she goes to youtube and searches for the song she wants. Then she burns the CD and it's excellent quality.


Appeal it. They've made the process simpler; I appealed something the other day and it got restored in a few short hours.

What are the REAL reasons that the price of gasoline has gone way up?

war causes the production rate to lower. the lower the rate, the higher the demand, the high the demand, the more money they can charge. so, is the oil company can find a way to justify doing less work, they can get more money.

What are the rules of roller derby?☼☼ I just need ta no☼☼?

I reallsy wanna do it... but im 11, so i know i need 2 wait, and hey, i no that nits dangerous and whatnot but whatever... i mean, i had 70 lbs dropped on my foot so if i got pushed down i wouldnt caree! someone twice my weight and size knocked me down in pe, so i hav a big-ol black bruise on my knee... anyways, i just wanna no the rulz and stuffffff...... and they hav the rulz on wiki, but i mean, hoo would wanna reed for like 4 pages on rulz??????!!!!!! soooooooo, can sum1 telllll miiii??? plzzzzzzz?? ♂◙♀♪☺☻♥♪☼☺

Don't feel that different after ending relationship...?

Was with a person for a year. More or less, he was a so I broke up with him. I moved out and moved in with one of my family members. Most of our friends chose his side, and everything is totally different. Well, I know it's different, but I don't feel that different. I'm less stressed but other than that, there hasn't been this profound change that I was expecting. One of my friends said, maybe I emotionally got over it months ago, so I was already done with that part and didn't realize it... which would also explain why I didn't really feel THAT sad. Also, one of my friends has become more than that... and we aren't "together" but it's headed that way... anyone else experience this? I feel like I'm missing a key piece of some important information that is going to allow me to have an epiphany or something. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Sides for poulet roti?

I hope this isn't your first with her because your going to over-whelm her and screw up the timing and then you won't get another date with her for a long time Le Grand Chef Peppy Le Pue!

What do you call someone who finds meaning in ordinary things?

Or sees things as "symbolic". For example, they see a red car and they remember a dream they had with a certain person in it and feel as though they should contact this person.

Romantic hot evening?

Any ideas on setting the scene for my guy and me, eg candles music ets, anything thats worked for you, ideas would be fab ..thanks xxxxx

Anywhere to Find Gas Without Ethanol?

Are there any places left (particularly in Southern Middle Tennessee) or national fuel brands that still carry ethanol free gasoline? I have come to find out that when I use ethanol free gas I get better gas mileage and better performance. My 350 engine is brand in new but is built for 75-85 vehicles and handles ethanol free gas better. I want to find some gas without ethanol. shoot....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ive been on my period for 2 weeks now is painfull and heavy whats wrong?

Please see a Gynecologist right away as what you are experiencing is not normal. There are a number of things that may be causing it like a cyst, but we can't examine you here and don't know your medical history.

Are there any serious philosophers today still promoting the enlightenment project?

By enlightenment project i mean championing reason above all other epistemic methods, making man the measure of all things, and trying to justify a traditional morality without a teleological explanation for man. serious answers only, please; and do your best to provide sources/authors/works that might be helpful to me.

Fantasy Football Keeper Question - Which 4 players would you keep of the following?

If your good at QB, Jackson is a must, Rudi, Chad Johnson, and McGahee if your good at WR otherwise Roy Williams.

Temperature change time base problem?

Temperature change time base problem. Suppose V = 28 V, I = 0.1 A, mw = 54 gm, cw = 4.18 J/gm K, mr = 10 gm, and cr = 3.7 J/gm K. If the water is initially at room temperature, how long will it take for the water to heat up 2 K? (Hint: dT/dt is approximately equal to T / t .)

Why does my new pet rat try to nibble my fingers?

I have recently bought a pet rat, and when i tried to pick her up, she sort of tried to nibble/bite me, but didn't do it hard enough to break the skin or even hurt, and she did it quite slowly. Today i put my hand in with some food on my fingers and she did it again. I'm worried that this could turn to biting, and am getting wary of her. Why does she do this?

Which would absorb the most solar radiation, if you ume that each covers an equal geographic area?

1) a sandy beach will have a much higher albedo than a forest. so the answer to your question would be a forest absorbs the most insolation.

Shouldn't he ask me out already?

I'm 13 and I've liked this guy for seven months. He told me that he likes me and I told him that I like him too. We are going to the movies tomorrow but I don't get why he hasn't asked me out like to be his girlfriend. My friend Jess says he really really likes me. I'm starting to wonder if its true.

How Do all these new public companies I see get all their money for these big factories and things? (read det

Okay so I see these huge companies starting with machinery and things that you could NEVER GET ON YOUR OWN MONEY hence you would need investors money. HOW DOES A COMPANY GET INVESTORS MONEY WITH AN IPO OR investors money? Like say I had a brilliant new business idea how would I get the money to implement it?

Persue a career in acting?

I thought i wanted to be a musician, i play guitar and i sing and have been playing the guitar for 4 years with lessons and singing for 2 without lessons but i just don't think im good enough so then i changed interests and thought i wanted to be a director/producer and started a btec course in media at the brit school for performing arts and technology but I've recently started to gain an interest in acting, and i think i want to take it as far as I can, I've been acting for long as I can remember but have only acted in small performances when I was in primary school, I'm now 15 but haven't done any performances since, I was thinking of auditioning for a place in the national theatre which is an acting group and then eventually (after doing alot of performances) finding an agent but I'm not to sure if this is the right path to choose, please help me?!?

Conspiracy Theory is true?

Do y'all think that the conspiracy theories in in's Creed might actually be true? I mean think about it. It all really seems to fit into place. I have done research about some of the events that they talk about and they have actually happened. For examble: ancient civilization structures in the ocean at Yonaguni, part of India still radioactive from an ancient nucler war, the supereruption at Toba, the "meterorite" at Tunguska that left no crater, and so on. This stuff is so crazy and intrigueing. I know it may not be real, bu could it be? There are so many questions with so little answers.

Does Lewis explain in the book why Susan stopped believing in Narnia altogether?

its not really like she stopped believing in a sense she did not think she need it anymore. she was growing up and moving on and really didn't belong.

Would it affect my grandmothers rent if i was to use her address as my address to be put on the electoral roll

i work,my grandmother claims rent rebait,i was wondering if this would affect her rent in any way,she is a pensioner,if any one know the law on this please let me know.

Could any of my pro wrestling items be worth some money now or in the future?

i am a huge wrestling fan, and i collect wwe magazines and cards and etc ...i was wondering could cards from wcw be worth something...i have cards of stars like chris benoit, eddie guerrero, brian adams, sting and others . the cards came out in 1998 and are in great condition!! i also have a wwf lita bobble head that came out in just asking could any of those items could be worth something? probably in the future?

If LA ever got an NFL team, what would you name it?

No silly answers please. I was thinking more along the lines of the Los Angeles Freight Trains, Aztecs, Novas or Strikers.

Shot to put me in temporary menopause?

So I went to see my gyno today because of problems and he said I may have endometriosis. He wants to do scopic surgery to make sure and said he would put an IUD in place at the same time. He said after surgery he would give me this shot depo lupra (Depo something, not Provera though...) that would put me in temporary menopause to help with the severe pain. He explained everything really well and will send me some more info, but I was (and still am) overwhelmed. Has anyone ever heard of that shot? Or endometriosis? Or that surgery? Any links/personal experiences would be helpful. I'm feeling really weird right now, so relieved to FINALLY know it's not in my head, but scared stiff and just overwhelmed! Thanks.

Know any good music??

I'm trying to find some new music that I would like. My favorite bands are Three Days Grace, Daughtry, Green Day, Linkin Park, Panic! At the Disco, Dragonforce, Nickelback, and Bon Jovi. Since I like these bands I'm asking if you can suggest new bands or songs that you think I would like?? And please don't suggest Paramore, Flyleaf, All-American Rejects or Fall Out Boy because I'm not intrested in those bands. :]

What are the best snowboard boots to wear with the ride nitrane contraband's 2011 orange?

i'm looking at the ride nitrane contrabands 2011 orange, but i wanna know the best boots to get with them. i don't want them not to fit or slip out or anything like that. my board is the roam artifact rocker.

Who'd win these possible UFC matchups??

brock lesnar would easily dominate kimbo slice. fedor would beat kimbo in under 1 minute guaranteed. fedor would also beat brock lesnar although the fight would be much closer as brock is a really big strong guy who has incredible punching power. GSP would beat penn fairly easily. i think the only guy to fight anderson next is gsp and that will be a really good fight. liddell will beat evans.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Need good/fun BABY SHOWER GAMES?

try this: im sure mothers and first time mothers will be there soooo. buy some baby food and take the label off them and have them guess what sort of baby food is it. its fun

Why i can't install my soundcard in vista?

i think u have to get the updated software of the sound card . Try to Get it by visiting the sound card's manufacturer's website. because it may not be the problem of sound card and even some softwares aren't supported by vista. Good luck!

LADIES ONLY- Qu : If its the motion and not the size..please explain.?

A question has been asked:"ladies, is 5.5 inches long and quite wide acceptable dimensions?"..many are answering that its the motion of the 'vessel' & not its size that matters...please explain then how a guy's motion must be-remember the clearer you are the better it is for everyone. Thanks

What do guys look for in a girl?

Im kinda average looking, and I am shy around people I don't know too well only because I used moved around a lot and didn't get used to people around me. The only activities guys in my school seem to join are sports (suck at the sports my school has to offer), band (would be stuck with grade eights), and debate (I would fail... Although I am stubborn when it comes to arguments). I have a love for video games (I suck at first person games though. eg. COD). I like mainly horror games because I love getting scarred. So I also love horror movies. I also like action, comedy, and fantasy. Just nothing boring. I also love animals!!!!! I can get goofy around people that I know well, but I'm mature when I need to be. I enjoy listening to people, but sometimes I won't shut up. Only when I'm hyper. I don't drink or do drugs. I'm not much of a party person either. I get nervous in too big a crowd, and around a lot of people I don't know. I'm not the most organized person ever. Why is this starting to sound like an online dating profile??? I like junk food, but not all the time. I like mainly rock/alternative rock music (Guns n Roses, AC/DC, Metallica, MCR, Green Day, Billy talent, Suondgarden, etc.). But I also like some pop, rap, and R&B (not to picky. I either like it or I don't). For clothes I'm not so sure. One day I could be wearing a hoodie and jeans, and the next I could be wearing some fancy get up with heels. I also like anime/manga. I can sometimes be emotional. But it's usually my step dads fault... He's mean and he scares me lol. This is still sounding like a dating profile -_- .... Oh and I'm 16. I know it's a long list but I want to know if guys got to know me, if they'd like me or not. Because guys at my school seem to not take any interest in me, even if I make a huge effort to go and talk to one. Thanks for peoples help :)

Why Can't I Download Torrents....?

I wnat to start torrent downloading of Season 4 of my favourite show. anway I find the otrrent download the start up file, to my desktop from thepiratepay, the file has lots of good comments and reviews, so I download it and am trying to put it into my torrent downloader. I start up BitComet and it goes to download but it just sits there and does not load. So I try with other torrents, and still I get nothing it will not load anything. So I try a new downloader BitTorrent 6.1.2, its the latest version and the same thign happens it iwll not download, I forced it to start and it went to like 1kb/s and stopped, my average download is like 100 kb/s why won't any torrents download?

I want to purchase a PNY Technologies GeForce 6200 256MB AGP?

but when i look at the specifications, i saw under system requirements i saw Pentium III - RAM 128 MB - HD 50 MB i am not sure if my computer has the Pentium III and HD 50 MB. do i need to have these in order for it to work. and please state where i can find other graphics cards on the internet.

If you became famous, what name would you gove yourself?

instead of keeping their original names celebs usually change it like Elton John...what would yours be?

Are there men out there ( age 25-45) who don't mind giving their girlfriends lots of attention?

I am somewhat of a needy girlfriend,27 years old. are there men out there that don't mind this? by needy i mean, i like to talk with the guy everyday and spend a lot of our free time together. and i like to snuggle and cuddle.

Astrological help sought - career difficulties?

Since u r in Delhi, u may try Astrologer Anil Batsya for ur problem. i also plan to consult him as his opinion on astrological topics in Aastha Channel at 10.PM is seen based on study and experience. But, his charge of Rs.2200/- is reasonably in higher side which deter common man like me.

Opening up to someone you work with about personal issues - is this huge mistake?

My superior at work today e-mailed me asking if i was ok - I guess he noticed I was visibly upset in the office, even though I was trying to hide it. I've been going through depression lately and haven't been able to control my moods so easily - when I get sad, I have a hard time hiding it. I told him I was having a tough day but i was fine, then he probed more and asked what was wrong and he would be glad to try to help. Because I was feeling so down, I maybe wasn't thinking so clearly and did tell him that I was just having a low time in my life right now and struggling with feeling lost and things in my life not really working out. I now deeply regret doing this - as I don't think its a good idea to open up this much to someone who's above me. I feel so foolish. He did not respond after i told him that, and now I'm kind of sick with regret. I'm not someone who opens up easily and I feel like this is a bad idea that he knows this about me - that maybe it may negatively affect how he views my work abilities. Ugh. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to help - but with no response from him it seems I may have freaked him out. Am i overreacting or did I really mess up by doing this? I don't want to be the 'emotional female' at work - I want to be respected and now I feel i screwed that up... :(

What do you think of this poem? I found it online earlier!?

oh my god... i cried with u there... that is so sad, to even think that that could ofbeen one of us in there not being able to come out to this world we live in now..... i cnt imagine!

Pronunciation of Names ending in "s" when in Possessive Form?

For example, if you're talking about Morris's house, would you pronounce it sounding like "Morrises", or would it still sound like Morris? Is it the same when saying "Jones's"?

How old should I be to read the Wizard's First Rule?

I saw The legend of the Seeker T.V series and I really want to read the books by Terry Goodkind. I read 'Twilight (I hated it but I had to finish it for some reason, idk.) and 'Eragon.' Trust me I read LOTS of other books, lol. I am in 7th grade going into 8th (school ends this Friday :) I am 13 years old (14 in 3 months. [so close yes so far, lol] :) So am I old enough? The only reason I am asking is because on the comments say that the books are really dark and gory (which is the kind of books I love, trust me, it just that it says they are for 'mature readers,' whatever the heck that means. lol.

Line Through TV When PS3 is on?

Alright, this has been happening ever since I hooked up my PS3. No, it's not an issue or anything, it's not that bad but I'm just not sure why it does this. I have a Blu-Ray Player and the of course, my PS3. Whenever watching normal TV or an HD Channel, things are fine. Whenever watching a Blu-Ray on the BD Player, it's fine. However, whenever I play a game on my PS3 or watch a Blu-Ray or.. anything for that matter on my PS3, there's this transparent.. well, more like a bar that goes through the screen. I've never seen it on anybody else's TV before, just mine. It like, streaks through the screen, it starts at the bottom and then it runs it's way to the top of the screen before starting over again. Like I said, it's nothing major but I'm not sure what it is but it does get annoying when trying to watch a movie or play a game and it interrupts the clear picture. I was wondering if there's anyway to get rid of it?

How many players with the last name Ramirez have played in the MLB?

Why do you care about how many people have common Hispanic last names in the MLB? You asked the same question for Martinez.

Why havnt we been back to the moon ?

because there's nothing there, and we've already done all there is to do with/on it a long time ago. Money isn't the issue. Obviously the U.S. has the money, we can do whatever the hell we want, are you kidding?

Which is more exciting, Nascar or Indy 500?

I watch Nascar on tv...but I knew someone who owned a car in the Indy 500....which is the better racing sport, is there a difference?

I'm soooo scared.....SAT?!?!?

Variations do happen often frequently, as the test isn't perfect. (Or maybe it was just a bad test day for you.) I know several friends who've had major score jumps due to test variation. You seem like a very strong writer and based on your past performance, I wouldn't worry about it. Even if your skills did drop, the writing section is very easy to improve on. (it's mostly a test of your knowledge of grammar / concision)

Would The Queen have knighted John Lennon, if he had lived?...?

...she's knighted Elton, Maca and even [oh! Horrors!] Mick jagger...surely Lennon would have become "Sir John Lennon" , do you think?

Where in the country does ozone depletion occur?

It doesn't occur in a country, but in the stratosphere, which is between 50 kilometers and 90 kilometers above the earth's surface.

Any help would be nice i keep changing my mind on who to start?

I like your lineup, wouldnt make a change. Keep CJ in, it doesnt matter who is throwing to him, he is really good and they have a decent matchup this week, and most likely will be behind and will be throwing.

Inter-Faith Series, Islam: What does your religion teach about forgiveness?

Did Mohammed (PBUH) teach forgiveness? If so, did he also teach you to forgive unbelievers? (Jews, Christians, Pagans, etc.)

Help cosplaying as saria from zelda?

Just buy a Link costume and improvise, but please, for the love of god, do not go with the Peter Pan.

Does he like me? I can't read the signs?

I told this boy that i really fancied him and he told me he thought i was an ugly tramp, and started laughing at me. him and his friends started throwing cheese at me every lunchtime, and telling me that i needed to get surgery to make me look less disgusting. one time when i was in town he was on his own and we got talking, and then he felt me up and i gave him a BJ so i thought we had something together, but the next day at school he started calling me a slag and he even got his friends to cover me in yogurt. he told me he thought i looked like a . does he like me?

How long can my estranged partner have or son (nearly 3 years old) on his own?

Our son will be three in summer, my ex-partner, his father, sees him every six weeks for a week or two. In summer about five weeks. But he is never alone with him for more than three days. My ex-partner lives in England, I live in the Czech Republic. Now, he wants to be with M., our son, four a week or even two weeks on his own. I think that this is not good or M. as he needs his mother around and will miss me. I must say that my ex-partner has a good relationship with M., he talks to him on Skype thrice a week. Can he be longer with our son? Any experience in a similar situation with such a young child? thank you for your advice.

Could you tell me if the detail on this dress and the detail on the shoes will clash?

Yes too much detail. The dress is cute but the shoes push the detail over the top. I would suggest a shoe without out as much detail. Remember "Wear it like you own it and have fun"!!

Should I be scared of rejection?

Rejection - no. possible more than just a friend- yes. it sounds like he is into you. Just drop a hint like for example; me and my friends are going to a party this weekend you game? If he is and goes just take it from there. You should be fine. Good luck.

Christians, do find that Jesus is more or less likely to exist than Santa Claus?

why do you keep asking questions about jesus and santa claus, dont you think the 'jokes' getting a bit old?

How can i remove the rust from behind my alloy wheels?

i just bought a car with some nice alloys but behind the alloy is some rust. is there any way i can get rid of this? thanks

Is it a stupid thing I did by asking my son to invest in HDFC ELSS in 07, which he eventually did?

I ask it, for, I find its NAV is reducing slowly but steadily since 07. Unfortunately it has a locking period of THREE l o n g years

Is it descrimination that aYouth Hostel requires a credit card to rent a room?

do its not descrimination. they want to make sure you can pay for anything you happen to damage. what if you just payed the $40 and stole the sheets, pillows, tv, radio, etc. you could make it out and get away with it. the $700 is collateral. you get it back if the room is the same when you leave.

Myspace help? Pleaseeeeeeee?

this writing will be that color, at the end put to go back to black

How can you counter a tree nut allergy after ingesting tree nuts?

sorry for the bad wording but my stomach really hurts and i dont know what to do. is there a way you can get rid of the pain without an epi pen? I dont have one at the moment and the pain is killing me.

What happen after i did my two sister's and told my dad.?

anyway i told my dad and my step-mom last night because it was eating me inside. and most of u said it was the right thing to do i did yeah he slap me in the face and started to yell too.I can see that linda was mad too. anyway he kick me out of the house.I went to my uncle that night and told him everything that happen..he's so cool I wish he was my dad..anyway he told me that since i just turn 17 and a virgin u have mix emotion inside and a lot of blue at my age and that it was ok to have with the 18 and 16 because it's not because we don't have the same mom or mom past away when i was 7..I wish she was here to help and my uncle talk almost all night ..he told me i was lucky that me and the 14 didn't do anything even if she kept walking mostly in her underwear at night in front of me..he said he thinks all 3 need help too ..he ask me if the 16 and 18 were virgins ..I said no they told me they had already that's why i thought i was o.k..anyway i love my uncle..but i miss my home and my dad..i think I have a loose tooth of the slap..still feel bad not to much about doing my step-sisters but for betrayal my dad trust in me..before he got marry and my dad were so close because we had each other..I sure miss him I don't care that he slap he's my pop..thanks for e-mails ..and for the people who.. said learn english ..up grandma die in WWll so u can speak english

Has anyone used Chi Silk Infusion?

I personally love the product and was wondering what others thought. Also wondered if anyone knows what makes this product work so well.

Does Anyone Have Audio/Video Of Ted Neeley's Farewell tour?

I don't, but on YouTube there is the clip of him singing on Leno. He was promoting JCS in California. His performance was bone chilling.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The form of sonnet 116?

I was just wanting to get some opnions on the form of sonnet 116. Does anyone know. I have been having trouble picking it out for sure. I am second guessing myself. I down this while trying to figure out the figures of speech too. I can figure that out just the form I am unsure of. I knwo it's a sonnet, anything else that can be added. Thanks and srry if this sounds like an obvious question.

Workers in our house?

some guys from lows r comming to instal a ceiling fan,,,ques is do i vacuume rug before or wifes at work so im doing vac after they go....correct or not.

Where have all the good trolls gone?

Even though I'm kind of new here, I have to agree. Tonight and last night were especially bad. Don't even want to waste an answer. Maybe at level 3 I can afford to...

I am lt col served in Bangladesh Army for 24 years. I want to join u.n forces as mil observer or in any un job

I served as an Army officer in Bangladesh Army for 24 years I retired as a lt col in 2000 . I was in the Infantry regiment I served both in the field and staff jobs satisfactorily . I have also served in U.N Mission in Iraq Kuwait border for one year . Now looking after a Garment factory in Bangladesh . Can I have a job in the U.N ?

Help! Looking for advice. I have created a website and need help I need a moderator and a designer to help me.

I made a website totally free so NO I am not trying to promote a business. It is a website to help women organize their lives FOR FREE. I need help. I need a moderator for the blog and someone who is familiar with web design. Please look at the site and tell me what you think.

Rev 20:10,11 did heaven actually fled away?

Chapter 20 is the Millenium chapter of Revelation. Chapter 21 is God's return to earth and the eternal age.

C Programming help!!!!!?

Here's an idea: Do your own homework. Come back when you can show that you've actually tried doing this yourself instead of asking someone to do your thinking for you.

My girlfriend kissed another guy. How do I forgive her and forget?

Forgive her .... If you really like her then you gotta get through things :) but if it happens again i wud leave her ... :/

Finding Long and interesting articles online, HOW?

I want to read alot on various topics.. I've tried sites like , a,, etc. And they are nice. ociatedcontent is the best i found so far, but sometimes i can't find stuff and sometimes the articles are really small. Where can i find more LONG articles which are fun and talk about Humanoid robots in japan, History of chocolate, History of aztecs... etc, Discrimination in the work place, etc etc. Long and interesting articles.. any help?

Where can i find a real men's hooded leather jacket?

i dont want any designer jacket. im lookin to spend $90-$150. i want the kind of jacket bikers wear and punks paint up and put studs on. i want the hood to be leather as well as the rest of the jacket.(all real leather) please leave some links of suggested websites

My daughter does not seem to get cold!?

Its the middle of winter, and she is flouncing around in a singlet and skirt, insisting she is not cold. The rest of us are shivering under our jackets and trackpants. She has always been this way. She is 5 now. I fight desperately to keep clothes on her. Even if it gets that cold that she has blueish lips, she will swear black and blue she isnt cold, and begs me to let her take her jumper off. I cant explain it. Quite often she feels warm to the touch, when Im freezing my backside off. What gives? Anyone else has a child that does this? To add to the craziness, its not unusual to see her wear a scarf and beanie in the middle of summer. Like I said but, shes always been this way, it doesnt appear to be an attention thing. I just cant explain it. Appreciate any insight.

What should i do? I dont want him bullying me anymore?

Ok first i had him as a friend on facebook and then 2 weeks later i posting something about me and my friend cuz at school we went to a field trip so then he said on my status as these exact words "Dudee tats geyyyy". Then Another day i posted a picture of me at my sister's house then for no reason after i posted my pic he said "Dude ur pic is geyy" or he said something like that. Then after like 1 month later i liked a girl so i said in my status "Moises + Tatiane = <3" so some of my good friends said that's sweet and nice and then after that he said "ur gayy lol" then after i read what he said i started cursing out at him in my status then after that he said nothing. Then my friend ingrid posted a pic of me and my friend annie and then he posted as a comment on that pic saying"geyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" then my friend ingrid started yelling out at him too so he said nothing so after that i deleted him as a friend. Then yesterday i was on friend quiz cuz some of my friend answered a question about me then i kept scrolling down and i saw a question that said "Do you think Moises Ramirez kissed a guy?" And he answered "Yes". I hate him soooooooo much! He's in only one of my periods which is period 6 so i felt liek going to my school counselor mrs.garcia so make him stop saying on facebook that im gay but im am not gay so i dont know how or where he got saying i was gay cuz we were really good friends even though we didnt talk a lot. so plz tell me what i should do? And BTW my best friend erika told me he was gay that kid that keeps bullying me. so please answer my question and thank you for ur help

Does overlord Schwarzenegger's recent pardon show that a pardon reform is necessary?

He has the power but it made a lot of people upset. Is reform needed or is this an isolated incident?

Training I can do while my shin has Cellulitis?

Ok I do MMA but while doing a Kickboxing session during the month I contracted Cellulitis in my shin so it stings like **** and I can't kick any pads or bags for a while also I can't Roll in BJJ either as I'd have weight put on my shin and it would be extremely painful , so what can I do to try and ward of stagnation so I don't completely burn out when I come back to training should I just Shadowbox and do upperbody weight training? I can run but not for to long before pain sets in

Can u hlp me wit thes scince questun?

The vocab wod I got was centimeter. I hav to write somthing for example, and something that is a nonexample. Can you pleze hlp me

I am drinking Becherovka alone and smoking. Anyone else loving their boozelife?

This is the first evening I have been away from wife and family for a year and I have one night alone. So I bought a bottle of Becherovka which is a Czech alcohol. Sort of in the spirit of Jagermaister but much easier on the hangover. I am boozing that and smoking a nice pack of siggers which everyone thinks I quit. But I did but I still smoke em once a year when I get away. I have no shame at all and no regretz. And no desire to cheat on my wife. I just want to have this one nite alone and booze and smoke. Anyone out there with the same?

Algebra 1 question? can you help me?

Create your own quadratic equation that has an axis of symmetry of x = −1 and whose graph opens down. Then find the vertex, domain, range, and x-intercepts. Show all work

Linear / Quadratic Equations?

A&B are walking at 2 kmph and 4 kmph respectively in the same direction as the train is moving. The train overtakes them in 9 sec & 10 sec respectively. find the length and speed of the train. plz alswer.

I am planning to give "Farewell Party" to my best friend who is going out for his MBA.?

I think a wonderful gift would be a collage or photo album of the best photo moments of the two of you at your best, enjoying life as> best friends> write a poem or something to go with it about how you feel about your best friend.

This might be proof that Serena was not fired by the WWE?

I don't know WWE did fool some of us with Bryan Danielson being fired, so you never know, and I will state that the sites that said she was released, said that WWE did not confirmed it.

I have a 95 Ford Probe that wont go into overdrive. What is wrong with it?

The car runs good except for the overdrive dont work. I drive it all over even on the free way and that makes the RPM's go up very high and I know thats bad for the car. So what might be wrong with the transmission making this happen? Also when it shift into 1st and 2nd it shifts very hard. By the way its an automatic.

I caught my society finches breeding and i wanted to know when do i expect babies ?

i am sure they were breeding, they are male and female. and they are old enough to breed so what i want to know when to expect babies because i seen them mating on tuesday

Can someone tell me some of their embarring stories to make me feel better?

So my parents went away for a month to go on a mission trip. I got to stay at my best friend's house so I was really excited! On the second morning though I found out that I had brought all the clothes I needed but I forgot to pack underwear. Basically, the only panties I had were the ones I was wearing. I didn't have the key to my house and I was too embarred to tell my friend or her mom about my situation so that they could let me borrow some underwear or buy me some, so I decided to secretly steal a pair of my friend's panties each morning while she was in the shower and then put them into the laundry basket in her room the next day and steal another pair. This worked fine for about two weeks until I heard her complaining to her mom that she didn't have enough clean underwear. I realized I couldn't steal any more underwear from my friend because I was afraid it would draw more attention so I was forced to steal underwear from her older sister. That worked fine for a week but then one morning I thought everyone was either downstairs or in the shower so I snuck into my friend's sister's room, took off my pj pants, took off the underwear I'd been wearing, threw it in the laundry basket, opened her dresser up and took the pair of underwear that was at the very bottom so she wouldn't notice. I put on the underwear and was about to put my pj pants back on when my friend's sister walked in. She just froze as she saw me standing there with her dresser open and my pj pants on the floor as I stood there in a white t-shirt and her lime green underwear. I'm like never gonna be able to go to my friend's house again! And now like all my friends and family know about this and everyone's laughing at me!!!!

High blood pressure for a teen?

my blood pressure is 149 over 84, and i'm 13. i don't know if its hereditary, because my dad and grandpa had it. is it bad to where i need meds????? should i get help from a doctor.

Do I have a pretty good grasp of US foreign policy?

You're way off about Israel. We give 2 billion in aid to Israel yearly. We give 30 billion to Korea and Japan alone, along with hundreds of thousands of troops.

What kind of food do toucans eat that i can get at a supermarket?

i built an avian room in my back yard with exotic tropical plants, hygromostats (i know it doesnt exist, i built one), thermostats, and 24hr video surveillance, the room is 50'Lx40'Wx15'H and it is outdoor, no predators like coyotes or bobcats can get in, and yes, it is going to be with more tropical birds like hyacinth macaws and scarlet macaws. now that i proved to all those tofu munching PETA members that its going to have a better life with me than in a zoo, i can get the answer that i need.... how can i give it a well balanced diet without having to order in exotic fruits from the amazon?

Windshield Wiper fluid...?

I have a 99 prelude and my windshield wiper fluid wont come out..I can hear the motor working and yes, i have a full tank of windshield washer fluid...any ideas why it wont work?

I'm looking for a version of Ode To Joy by Mozart (not Beethoven) it can't be MP3 format as it's for a wedding

Arlo, do you by any chance have the actual 'K' number for the Mozart piece you're looking for? (You can use 'additional details' if you do.) Mozart never set Schiller's poem "An die Freude" (the one Beethoven used in the 9th), and beyond a few turn of the 18thC settings by quite obscure figures, only Schubert and Tchaikovsky have made alternative settings of the Schiller to that by Beethoven.

Fish compatibility question?

Only suspect there is Keyhole's i'm not overly worried about anything else however, any aggressiveness by the Keyholes would more likely than not be directed at the Angels who wouldn't be able to get out of the way. Maybe you should think about Krib's or some other kind of cichlids apistagammas are smaller and less aggressive.

This is not a rant and it's not a bash....?

Good folks on both sides of the issue. This has been an interesting two weeks on YA for me. Some good, some bad and some funny. To the Republicans I respect you, you are pionate as are Democrats. Mr. McCain has my heart I come from a family of veterans, three of whom fought during WW2 and were proud of their service but returned home to find they were still considered less than a man. I think any male or female who fights for this country deserves our respect. Thank you Mr. McCain I salute you and thank you. I'm proud of all voters, I'm proud to live in this sometimes crazy country we call the USA. May God Bless us all and farewell you YA election fanatics.

A tax question. (malaysia)?

When you eat in food outlets, you pay tax too. Almost every transaction goes back into the taxation system directly or indirectly...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can you answer my extremely random poll???

Blueberries,Coca cola,Basketball,lemonade,chewing Gum,Myspace,Nsync,peanut er,polka music,Rainbows,wonderwoman,Hillary Duff

Why is it that...?

Its because Republicans love to get caught up with the unimportant details like that. They try to divert the voters' attention from the real issues to discredit their opponents without having to resort to actual civilized debate. And conservatives just love repeating stuff like that, like the whole Al Gore house energy thing, for reasons I'm not aware of. Perhaps it makes them feel better, or perhaps they think statements by Obama's pastor really are more important than energy prices or hundreds of thousands of people dying in Iraq. And Democrats try to fight fire with fire, because they are forced to if they wish to be competitive. All the while, we are serving the goals of the Republicans, because they really are better at those kinds of tactics, and their base blocs are more responsive to it. Just look at Karl Rove and the "flip-flopping" Kerry.

How Hard is the NARS Program ?

Hello I'm planning on going to Conductor School through NARS and was wondering how hard the Conductor Program is and if there's a lot of math involved thanks for any information

I have bad anxiety and I am kind of worried to continue taking Paroxetine (Paxil) what should I do?is it safe?

I think Paxil is more of an antidepressant. You might need an antianxiety medication, but Xanax is pretty heavy duty, a milder one might do the trick, like Buspar.

For people who know about different hotels in central new jersey?

There's this hotel or SOMETHING that I'm trying to find or remember the name of. I remember a long time ago I went to this place to check out the rooms and there was this huge bath tub shaped as a margarita cl that was right next to an area for a bed that was upstairs in the room. In the room you were able to walk downstairs into a cave like area that had a pool for yourself!! it was awesome! If anyone could help me i would appreciate it mucho thanksss:)

How can you be a 'heartbeat' from the highest job in the land, but not be ready to answer ?s from the media?

What are the Republicans hiding? Even their supporters should be wary of this tactic. The American people deserve to know all they can about the Pres/VP candidates.


Really, the only fool-proof way is to feed Esphagor (not spelled right) twice to get the who and the where. Esphagor is in the Haunted Woods.

Aim and windows blinds?

i downloaded windows blinds. changed everything around. but now the skin for AIM 6.5 went weird? it looks like windows 98 skin while everything else is fine? AIM is completely weird, IMS, buddy list, everything

Patrick Fitzgerald requests a 90 day extension?

If he can't win elections then why should he be a Senator? If the people don't want him why should he be allowed to represent them?

Topic of discussion 4 : Harry Redknapp the destroyer of Clubs?

im not the biggest arry fan but honestly you cant pin all that on him ? and what debt is spurs in ? one of the most stable and healthy clubs in the league..we are in fourth place and staying around that spot, thats better than we have done for years, as for the west ham comment, lampard carrick cole etc all came through when he was there, after him came a load of shite boring managers buying crap and wasting cash...lundberg ? so no... do your research and get your facts right, oh and us yids wont be disappointed if dont get fourth..we take what we can get..been there seen it before

Why are people so stuck on their party affiliation?

Studies have shown that traditional family political loyalties play a major, if not the biggest, role in deciding people's party affiliation. It's unfortunate, but some people apparently see it like a team sport.

WHAT DOES composition mean?

when i was in highschool they used that word heaps in art.for example i really like the composition of this basically where everything is,placement that sort of thing

What does this mean(its in spanish)?


Help with boyfriends woes...?

Ok, I've been dating this guy for several months now so it's exculsive and fairly serious. I was involved in a car accident this week and all of a sudden he's acting stand-offish. What is going on? Does he need "space"?

Why am I such a chick magnet?

BQ) are you a chick magnet? Please don't make a fool out of yourself, you are being interrogated by FELIX

Why was shooter's the wolf better then anything Willie ever did? and why was Waylon the greatest musicianever

I have all 3 of shooters cds...his dad sure would be proud. I like Willie Nelson alright, but he just doesn't compare to Waylon. Now if it hasn't been figured out by now Hank Sr is my #1 favorite singer, but Waylon is a close 2nd...A true outlaw, God rest his soul. And Shooter, aaahhh LOVE HIM. I've seen him in concert 3 times and he is just awesome. I like the cover of dire straits "walk of life" and "the wolf" is my favorite song off of the album. I still have to say my favorite song by Shooter of all time is "daddys farm"

How to control the emission of air pollutants? any good websites or linked?

air pollutants include carbon monoxides, sulphur oxides, nitogrn oxide particulates, smog and ozone.. how to control each of the pollutants?

How do I know if a sleeping-bag is machine washable?

I'd just chuck it in the wash anyway :) but if you dont want to take the chance, you could always just soak it or something?

He, can someone tell me more about gelatin? I'm doing a project and I wanna know why gelatin is soluble.?

Why is gelatin soluble in water? Can you tell me more about gelatin's molecular structure? And how does its molecular structure affects its solubility? Its made up of amino acids but then , why then is it solubel in water? Peptide bonds are covalent bonds and gelatin is a macromolecular, shouldn't it not dissolve in water?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why do people think guys like Justin Bieber and Zac Efron are gay?

Nearly every comment I've seen on here, youtube etc about them is that they are gay and need to come out the closet. But I can honestly say I've never thought about either one of them as gay. Am I missing something?

Will Obama "Confie" wealth to really help the Poor?

I disagree with your premise. Tremendous sums have been spent on the war on poverty, in fact over 5 trillion dollars. In inflation adjusted dollars, this is more than we spent fighting both Germany and Japan in WWII. The sad fact of the matter is, that you cannot eliminate poverty by throwing money at it. Experience here, and in other countries has shown that such programs tend to create a dependent cl. That's not to say that we shouldn't have a social safety net. There are, and always will be people who desperately need help and who should be helped. But recognizing what's effective and what's not in reducing the poverty level is something which seems to escape the Democratic party.

Why is the temperature colder after a volcano eruption?

a volcanic eruption will release a lot of thick smoke into the atmoshpere and it will remain there for very long. That will block the sunlight making the temprature lower than usuall.

Is Obama trying to form a dictatorship?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What IS that accent Kate Nash has?

Every Brit probably recognises it instantly, but being from another part of Europe I just hear it and think... Such a shame. I like her voice, I like her lyrics but her accent is very off puting for me.

Writing a thank you card, query?

I think one card is fine...just write something to each of the ladies in the card. For instance write: Thank you "A" for isting in getting me this job and thank you to "B&C" for helping me learn the ropes during my tenure at the company. All three of you taught me invaluable lessons and I greatly appreciate it"

Enough of all this HYPOCRITICAL DEMOCRACY of Euro-American leaders?

from SOCRATES DEMOCRACY is government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. ... while all this your UNJUST WARS in AFRICA and the ARAB WORLD which has destabilise the PEACE of all mankind ..

Best friend/crush moving away,?

my best friend for abut 5 years is moving away to a boarding school at the end of this summer. when its time for us to say goodbye when he's leaving, i want to tell him how much i care about him, and possibly kiss him. what should i say to him? how do i work the kiss in?

Charlie Haas, Who's next?

maybe rey mysterio. than he could try horribly at all his moves. and i was wondering the same thing, how much longer can he keep this gimmick up?

So here I am again asking for advice?

I have really done it now, I have walked away for a marriage that was five months in the making. So here is the scoop, may wife and I have been arguing and really on the brink of the edge of diviorce for about month. I have jealously issues, and also trust issues, she has done things like not tell her friends about me, or lieing about that she is on the welfare system and all sort of little and big lies that has made me not trust her. She is also very diffrent around people, she acts in a total diffrent manner and treats me as if she has me wrapped. I loved this women this women also has 4 children 7,8,9,9, are the ages. I tried last night to talk to her and I did it in an inapproiate manner which I admit I tried to force her to talk to me but that was not the right way to go about it. I tried to tell her that I feel that this will not work because, of my unstability with in my life now understand there is a 20 year age gap, I am 24 she is 44 and we just reacently bought a house that needs lots of work. I first met her at the salvation army where I went to get istiant with some problems that I was having. I went in there and when she saw me she was hitting on me, I was in a despreat situation where I was needing help Because at the time I was very very unstable, drugs, booze where ramphant in my life. Anyways she decided to take me to her house to help me get on my feet. Before we went to her house she pulled up at the school to get her four girls that are 7,8,9,9. Then she introduced me then we went to her apartment. Long story short we start a serious relationship it started off slow but pick up pace very quickly, in about 3 months after we met she started to say you should marry me and I said don't you think that we need to get to know one another first maybe give it a year before marrige. But she said if you love me and I love you why does it matter. Well so we did March 1 2009. Now we recently moved from the apartment and in the process of buying this house that needs lots of work. That was three months ago We have non-stop worked and watched the kids, and taking care of the dog, the cat, trying to organize, the place is a mess, No organiztion what so ever, I was working 50 hours a week Y she stayed home with the kids for the summer, She was to work and organize the house and watch the kids why I worked at the factory which I hated, I felt like a robot and felt like I was just there bring home the money and then after I get home from working 10 hours I would work on the house until dark to help get it livable. So I left it was all to much for me to handle and now I am called a coward and to wacth out is what she says because god will repay you . I now dont know what to do please any advice would be great.

Chances of getting into usmc mos 0321?

You will never be promised a spot in recon, you will be given the opportunity to take an indoc and only the top few who p will be chosen. Get ready to be a grunt for a while, many recon units require the rank of at least lcpl, and at least one deployment under your belt. Recon will also hold indocs in SOI for those with high rifle and PFT scores for Marines without the rank or experience, but generally its the ones right out of SOI that don't make it through basic recon training. Its not all about being physically fit, there's a lot to remember and you need to be mentally tough.

How can i find pow/mia stories of the vietnam?

i am looking for war stories of the vietnam war era,anything would be good but i would really like to read stories from the pow/mias.i have look on a number of sites and can not find what i am looking for .thank you

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is the best airline for south/south-east asian travel?

I'm going to be traveling from Kuwait to Indonesia, then to the Philippines. What is the best overall airline that serves that area? Also, which is the cheapest?

Where can I watch the FULL episode of age of inheritance for free?

And I dont want to have to take any surveys. Can't understand why the CW website doesn't have it up yet.

What's your favorit jazz music? My favorit jazz music is "Stormy Weather", and yours?

I love "Over the Rainbow" and "When You Wish Upon a Star" by Glenn Miller, and "Take the 'A' Train" and "Satin Doll" by Duke Ellington. I also love "Night and Day" by Ella Fitzgerald and "I Feel Pretty" by Sarah Vaughan. "A Song Was Born" by Jack Teagarden and Louis Armstrong, and "Nobody But Me" by Lou Rawls are also excellent pieces.

Moms please help What can I do for my baby's wet cough?

Antibiotics DO NOT help with viruses. Not ot mention you don't want to laod your child up on antibiotics. They can effect their teech adn they can become resistant if used too much. Anyway, it's already getting better if it's a wet cough. it means things are breaking up and she's getting it up by coughing. you can help her by going in the bathroom, shutting the door and turning the shower on super hot and sitting in there

My cat can do long division. Can I make a profit?

Mr. Wiggles does long division in his spare time. He also completes the crosswords in the New York Post every morning. I know this is rare, how can I profit from this?

Questions about the contraceptive pill?

I am on the contraceptive pill and i had last nite, im spose to start taking the sugar pills now and i dont no if i am spose to skip them and keep going on the white pills or take the sugar pill as i dont wnat any chance that i could get pregnant. or does it not matter? also when on the pill is it okay if you dont tkae it at the exact time every day, or will this it unsafe to have ? i would really love answers.

What are some nice color combinations for crocheted afghans?

Make one blue and gold and the other blue and mauve. Use either two shades of blue or two shades of the other. Then you actually keep it to two base colors which will make for a much nicer combination. A grayish blue and mauve looks very nice together. A royal blue goes well with gold. It is very nice of you to use your extra time at college this way. I am sure they will love their gifts.

Help with physics?

A simple pendulum has a length of .75m and a bob whose m is .15kg. The bob is released from an angle of 25 degrees relative to a vertical reference line. show that the vertical height of the bob when it is released is h=L (1-cos25*)

How much is a 1963 Plymouth Fury III worth?

I'm considering purchasing one, but want to know if I am getting a good deal or not. How much is it worth, rough estimate, you know 500-2000 or something like that. Thanks!

What should I name my dog?

I am getting a Black Lab Puppy, and I would like to name him something that starts with an H or C. His dad's name starts with H (Hoover) and his mom's name starts with C (Casey). We also have a beagle whose initials are HC (Hunter Champ). I was thinking of naming him Homer, but I thing that that sounds too much like Hunter, and I don't want them to get confused. Please Help!!! Thanks!!!

How many McCain supporters are old enough to remember Herbert Hoover presidency?

And your mommy lets you on the computer? How sweet. Need to learn your history though. Hoover and McCain are nothing alike.

If the TEA Party isn't a threat, why do liberals hate it so much?

The media of your persuasion tells you that, the tea party has very very small influence in my state. I guess as many as 3000 showed up in DC, but that is a very insignificant number compared to the population of voting people. If you want to change something and get it put to a vote you have to go through a process of collecting signatures. The tea-party would have a tough time with that. So a lot of yelling with no action is probably why people make fun of them..

Any suggestions on how to go about opening a school. Let me know how you or your organization can help.?

With curriculum, staff, resources, space, or simple suggestions. One thing I liked about Marcus Garvey and Booker T. was their ability to organize Black ppl of similar careers or talents into a unit as part of the struggle. Marcus Garvey's idea to nationalize and make those institutions independent was something that needs repeating. Because we are a colony within Amerikkka similar to Puerto Rico with a different set of laws and policies than those that apply to the rest of the US and are drained of resources, we need to centralize. Some of us need to remain employed in their system like the Spook That Sat By the Door, but only to "open the gate" and to bring opportunities and the knowledge back to the community. Others need to launch independent efforts until they can stand on their own. To an extent, this is already happening, but there is work to be done. If you are not an educator, but are of a different talent or career and would like to network, please specify both. We are told we can do it by ourselves, but no other group is doing it alone. They are all buying into the philosophies of Garvey and others since him but for their own group.

What are your concerns about how Obama is going to run the country?

What are your top three worries? Please state your age, and/or at least your political affiliation in your answer.

What is the deal with Miranda Lambert and the crazy ex girlfriend thing?

So i have been trying to figure out why ppl act like there is some story behind the crazy ex girlfriend thing. I must have been out of it, but did she do somthing whacky? I know her and Blake Shelton were an item, but what happened? I know that she named here lastest album crazy ex girlfriend, but can someone please fill me in? i dont even know the right question to ask, i feel like an old person. After hearing Gunpowder and Lead, i love the girl shes , but i need the story people!!

Needing a PA

I am looking into getting a PA system for concerts I host for the area youth. I am looking for bare minimums that will support LOUD music blaring through them. I am electronic illiterate when it comes to this, so specifics would be nice. Any help would be much appreciated!!

What does this mean?

My boyfriend sent me a text today saying "hey toots, when's cl?" and I replied saying "I just got out, going home". I randomly sent an email saying "I love you!" He texted me saying "hey..that was a different num..hopefully this is the same mellisa! too bad i couldn't catch u online. i really miss u today..loue u." He spelled my name wrong and he never spells like this. What did he mean about the "different num" thing? Was it a typo....what was he trying to say? Then he texted me saying something about taking me on a date friday.

How do I keep this cat off of my table / counter?!?

cats HATE plastic. If you can get some plastic covers that can come off when company comes, get them. Also, plastic wrap works well. Bubble wrap (for packing), inside out tape (sticky side out), anything sticky, and there is also a spray but I don't know how effective it is. Other than that, get him declawed if he is going to be an INSIDE ONLY cat - NOT if he is going to be outside at any time.

What would you say if....?

I told you i was biual??cuz i AM. but since i hardly have any Girls as friends it's weird to be atracted to a girl and not let them know....well that would be weird too!! I have a bf and i wuz "hitting" on one of his friends Kris who became my friend wuz over a txt that i wuz "hiiting" on her. Joey (my bf) asked me threw a txt if i wuz hitting on her cuz Kris had txted joey and asked if i wuz answer to his txt wuz. No not really...... and he starts FLIPPEN out and swears....and gets hella mad cuz im "hitting" on HIS friend. it's not like i wanna date her or anything...he KNOWS im feels like he has somethin against it. all i told Kris wuz that she wuz pretty and that she looks good in yellow and i like the way she styles her bangs, =? wtf??? is that hitting on her? joey wouldn't be flippin out if i WUZN'T bi and tellin Kris these idk w.e i dont like Kris like that, she's just a friend to me, so..wut gives?

Does the new batman game worth it to buy?

id like to buy a new ps3 game but i dont no witch game but it has to be teen bec my baby bro tends to play my games and it has to have just came out or coming out

How can i stop the pain of my failure?

I understand where you're coming from. You need to reduce your self standards. Stop having such high expectations of yourself. And keep trying to be the best person you can be. Don't ever give up but don't tell yourself that you're a failure just because you're not the BEST.

Do you think of these names for a brother and a sister? Ariel and Sebastian?

My daughter's name is Ariel and if one day i have a boy i want to name him Sebastian, like the Little Mermaid, well i think its cute but others may not.

Should I let my cat stay outside at night?

i don't see any problem with letting her out all night now ive got a 6 month old kitten who has spent a few nights out side due to the fact that she simply wont come in she will come up to the door when its closed and run away when i open it to let her back in (shes taking the piss out of me lol) she loves being outside at night chasing all the moths flying around although i do have an older cat outside with her to keep her company and show her the ropes

What to do about my friend?

I think you should tell her because I think the best relationships start out as friendships!!! I think you should tell her how you feel!!!!!! But now here's the flip-side of it you don't want to be her rebound guy either so the best advice I can give you, is follow your heart!!!!!! Your heart will always tell you the right way to go!!!!!! So good luck I hope it works out in your favor!!!!! : )

Is not supreme court judgement about Bhopal Gas Tragedy, mockery of justice in India?

it was by Bhopal local Chief Judicial Magistrate; in 1996 September, the supreme court diluted charges against indian officials saying culpability lied with UCC; in 2004 June, US rejected anderson's extradition saying 'request does not meet requirements of extradition treaty; now, the muslim actror case diluter supreme court"s ex CJI, KGB, getting chairmanship of national human rights commission because of his dilution of the muslim actor's case says 'whether the dead is one or thousand, it would be considered culpable homicide not amounting to murder'; but we people want all these murderers, including KGB punished for their speeches and actions.

Computer (Gaming) Help with my PC?

It's not worth it. I don't even think it would be compatible. Did you check to see if that chipset would work? But need to get a new computer, look on the Dell Refurbished site. I got an Alienware M11x for only $819. It has more than the one on the Alienware site has. You can get good stuff for good prices.

If Repub. Evangelicals can't wait for the "End Times" should Pres. Obama accomodate them with the ATF & FBI?

Should we just sort out all these Fundies with the Waco/Ruby Ridge Treatment? Or, would that be wrong?

Which set do you like best!?Sibling-set?

I'm absolutley loving set number two with Anneliese Ivy, Elodie Violet, Juliet Aurora, Oliver Reid and Christian Thomas. All five names sound wonderful with one another!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Question for teachers or anyone:?

How competent should a foreign language teacher to be to teach K-12? For example, let's say that the teacher was certified, competent, generally very advanced in their area, and generally are a good teacher, but not a fluent speaker of the language. They can explain concepts well, and the children learn, etc., but as they are not a native speaker, they make grammatical mistakes when speaking or writing. Would this bother you?

UGHHHHHHH......Is this true about Ciara (the singer)................?

Is it true that Ciara challenged Fergie to a dance off before, and Fergie prettymuch wiped the floor with Ciara, beat Ciara in 4 consecutive rounds to win 4-0.....and was just basically kicking Ciara's through the whole dance off?

How would someone instant message me that I don't know?

I get IMs from people from different states and from people I have never heard of, how can I stop this or how is it they find me?

What is the real message regarding Senator Bunning's actions?

Sen. Bunning is'nt against extending the unemployment benefits, he wants Congress to follow what they voted for with the PayGo vote last month and thats to show where the money is coming from to pay for programs they wish to support. This is what the media is not telling people.

What do you know about piecing?

i am so curious about putting a bar in my nipple i work in attics and under houses sometimes on my chest . would this cause a hazard or infection ? and my nipple goes in most the time and comes out when played with or when it fells like it its sensitive how do you think or know from experience that this will affect a nipple piercing . and does a bar make it more sensitive to touch , or shirt rubbing ? stuff like that

How do I report emails to the Answers moderators?

I had 2 very scary threatening emails from this mad woman , she had already been abusive when answering questions , so I posted her emails for all to see then I blocked her.

I told him something i shouldn't have, and now what can i do for him?

Omg. That has gotta be the best thing ive heard all day. Im so sorry though! I think your son might feel a little awkard around you for a bit, well if that was me I WOULD.. i mean come on...Aw... but you guys seem to have a close and open relationship.But yeah If i was in that position i would for sure make my mom promise to never tell a soul so it didnt come up in the future around the fam or friends~!!!! I seriously died when i read that, Good luck girl.

In Louis Vuitton leeds my mate told me there is a VIP area but when I went the other week I didn't see it.?

I told my mate i was going to louis vuitton leeds at the weekend to buy a parentaire agenda he told me there was a VIP area in that store, but when i went it didn't see it where is it, what's it for.

Very cruel..but im scared of spiders... whats the answer...?

Ok.. i am S**T scared of spiders... I know i am 100x bigger than they are but the fact is i am lol I love ALL animals insects etc...except spiders... i have used Anti Spider sprays so they cant come in..But they still do ><.. the only way i can deal with them is infact..(cruel part) hoover them up! :( i feel so evil attacking a poor defenceless spider .. with a henrey hoover lol but i cant help it :( Now my question.. when a spider is sucked inside of a vae cleaner.. how long can they lvie for? im hopeing its for a very very short time i wouldnt want them to suffer One bit.. or crawl out and seek revenge on me while i sleep..:).. But seriously How long can they live? Im guessing they dont breath the same as wel do so the dust inside the cleaner wont sufficate it.. once again IM very sorry for the harshness i just NEED to know :9 R.I.P the spider i just sucked up.

This Mitt Ronmey is asking us about what can be done to help out the "less fortunate"....?

Mitt Romney is a lying, pandering, useless, flip-flopper. All he did when he was absentee governor of Machusettes was get ready to campaign for president. Notice how he's not asking about any specific solutions for helping specific types of "less fortunate" people; he's just doing the pandering thing again so that he can look "concerned" in front of the media. This guy is only running for president because he wants to be president (sort of like Hillary), not because he's concerned about any of the issues.

Is it just me or there are others who also think that nick jonas is.....??

i guess yeah he wants to keep it private but i heard that he wasn't dating selena gomez. he says that and even she says that in the magazines. She also says that the papparazzi saw them both wearing the same exact shirt and they thought that nick gave it to selena as like a girlfriend boyfriend gift but then when they interviewed selena, she said no he didn't give it to me, i bought it and i can understand why you guys would think that i mean this shirt isn't the only shirt in the world, there are plenty of other shirts. she also said that she wasn't dating him because it would be tooo hard to do that when hes on tour.

Should i quit skateboarding?

ive been skating for like 6 months and i can ollie but i never got real serious until like last month and started trying like kick flips and pop shove its but i cant do them. i practice like a couple times a week but im not making much progress. and i only have fun skating when im just ollieing stuff or just riding but when i try other tricks i just get frusturated and it isnt fun at all. should i just give it up??

Thoughts on new computer build?

Wow thats a very basic computer to say the least... What will u use it for? Cause this certainly not for gaming and hd media... But if youre asking if these parts and the os are compatible then yes. However I se that u are on a tight budget and you dont need a 585 watt psu for this setup. u need more like 300 watt one.

Pick Any Vacation spot.?

If you could visit any place for vacation other than the normal vacation spots(i.e hawaii, bahamas, italy, france etc.) where would it be and why? I've always wanted to go to the Czech Republic because oddly enough I love name.

Can Anyone Help Me Look Less Hideous?

lol you are not hideous. don't know who told you that or if you just have a poor self image but you are way too hard on yourself. I'm not that good at makeup so I can't really help with that part but please don't think you are a hideous!

School rule question? HELP.?

The reason schools make rules about such things as clothing and hair color is really not because they want to be the fashion police, it is because when someone walks in with something very different, it distracts the other kids from their lessons. If you do this and it causes little attention, it is OK. If everyone makes a big deal of it especially in cl it will be a problem for you.

Upton and Baldelli for Alfonso Soriano?

I would give Upton and Baldelli, I am in need of a stud outfielder, I was also fishing these two for Manny Ramirez or Vladimer Guerrero? Any suggestions or other people I should try to get?

Who is the worlds most inbred monarch?

Charles II of Spain. So inbred that he had an IQ estimated at 70, couldn't sit, stand, or eat by himself.